

Project: We are witness to the I Industrial Revolution

Role-Playing: Labour in the First Industrial Revolution
Pincha aquí para averiguar las key-words de la I Revolución Industrial


1. KARL MARX: revolutionary socialist, "The Communist Manifesto", class struggle, marxism, historical materialism, bourgeoisie, class consciousness, classless, socio-economic emancipation, "The condition of working class in England in 1844", IWA

2. MIJAÍL BAKUNIN: Russian revolutionary anarquist, collectivist anarquist, radicalism, Saint Petersburgh, syndicalism, IWA

3. ENTREPRENEUR: capitalism, maximum profits, machinery, technical division of labour, social division of labour, fordism, Ford Motor Company, money, precarious workers contracts

4. PROLETARIAT: working conditions, assembly line, textile industry, closure of artisanal workshops, impact on the environment, specialised workers, mass-produced

5. TRADE UNIONIST: First International, International Workingmen Association (IWA), children exploited, left-wing socialist, working, class, London, class struggle, strikes


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